Here in Hanover

Here in Hanover Magazine

Here in Hanover is a vibrant twenty-three year old publication that takes pride in its editorial content with every issue including special features, profiles, local happenings, along with articles about wine and travel.

Here In Hanover is a visual feast too that includes first-rate photography, illustrations, and artwork that are a highlight of each issue.

5,500 copies are mailed to homes in Hanover, Etna, Lyme, Lyme Center, Orford and Norwich with others distributed to most businesses, real estate offices, hotels and the Chamber of Commerce.

Here in Hanover is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December.

Here in Hanover is sold at Dan & Whit’sDartmouth Bookstore and the Food Co-ops in Hanover and Lebanon.

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Woodstock Magazine

Woodstock VT Magazine

Now in its eighteenth year, Woodstock Magazine makes a ready reach for the tourist industry and business community and is eagerly awaited and read by local residents. Topnotch articles by seasoned writers include profiles of artists, businesses, and other community members.

We strive to create a balanced offering of the old and the new, and regularly feature historical articles. In addition, we provide a thorough listing of calendar events. Visually stunning, Woodstock Magazine includes the artwork of nationally renowned photographers, illustrators and artists.

Approximately 3,500 copies are distributed free to local hotels and inns, stores, realtors, Chamber offices and Visitors’ Information stops in Woodstock, South Woodstock, Quechee, Bridgewater, Barnard, and Pomfret.

Woodstock Magazine is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December.

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Upper Valley Image Magazine

Image, now in its thirteenth year, is an extraordinary publication that shares insightful reporting, features that highlight members of the community and photography that looks like it came right from the pages of a national publication.

Approximately 10,000 copies are mailed to upper-income households in fifty towns in the Connecticut River Valley.

Image is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December.

Image is sold at Dan & Whit’sDartmouth Bookstore and the Food Co-ops in Hanover, Lebanon and White River Junction and the Co-op Market at 43 Lyme Road in Hanover.

View Website | Past Issues

Image Magazine's Trend Watch - Special Edition

Upper Valley Trend Watch Special Edition
Trend Watch is an annual publication about all the latest trends in the home industry. It is published in March every year and is mailed to 10,000 upper-income homes all over the Connecticut River Valley!

It features all local businesses and is very informative with the latest and hottest ideas on everything to do with the home industry.
Image Magazine's Health Watch - Special Edition

Upper Valley Health Watch Special Edition
Health Watch is an annual publication about all the latest trends in Lifestyle, Fitness, and Nutrition. It is published in October every year and is mailed to 10,000 upper-income homes all over the Connecticut River Valley!

Topics range from healthcare, community medicine, wellness through education, fitness, fashion, food, home health care and financial protection for your family with all local experts shedding light on these important subjects.