Submission Guidelines

Mountain View Publishing, publisher of Here In HanoverWoodstock MagazineImage, is interested in any article, query, story idea, photography or photo essay that has to do with the Connecticut River Valley. We are interested in providing well written, accurately researched stories that educate, inform and excite the reader about the many offerings, personalities and aspects of our community both in print and online.
To post events to our calendar or add your business to our directory for FREE, please visit Here In HanoverWoodstock MagazineImage and create an account.

See How

Print Guidelines

To inquire about being published please fill out the form below and briefly describe the following:

  • Outline your subject and explain how the material will be treated.
  • Is the subject seasonal?
  • What is the approximate word count?
  • Are there sidebar opportunities?

Our text rates for feature articles range from $250 to $450 depending on the length and research involved in preparing the story. Features typically run from 1,500 to 2,000 words. We pay approximately $150 for our departments, which run from 850-1,000 words. Some of our departments include Smart Money, Wine Watch, Bright Ideas, and Local Flavors, as well as new and existing businesses and interesting people and events.

Mountain View Publishing, LLC would like to guarantee the accuracy of our articles, so please include a list of your sources’ names, numbers, or emails of people who can confirm the facts, as well as books or other sources used in writing the article.

We reserve the right to edit all manuscripts. A kill fee of $75 will be offered when an article is deemed not suitable for publication.

Web Guidelines

Our readers have asked that we create and share more community content so we need your help!

  • Do you run, volunteer, or support a local non-profit and want us to highlight it to our readers?
  • Are you involved with a Meetup group or other semi-formal group and you’d like us to help you spread the word about your activities, purpose, or direction?
  • Do you have an upcoming event you’d like to share with the community or perhaps have a number of events?
  • Are you a local business owner/manager or is there a business or community member that you thinks deserves recognition?

These are all things we want to hear about! We’re also looking specifically for:

  1. Teachers to spotlight particularly if they did something interesting or unique with their students/class
  2. Firefighters, police or other community service professionals who are either new to the job (under 3 years), approaching retirement (under 3 years from retirement), or who moonlight with other activities
  3. Restaurant owners or managers particularly those who run restaurants with a unique specialty (food, ambiance, music, etc.) or with an interesting back story that led to the restaurant
  4. Local athletes who have enjoyed recent success or experienced unique setbacks or challenges
  5. Your favorite DIY projects, recipes, household tips and the like

If you or someone you know fits any of the descriptions above or has a story you’d like to contribute, we’d love to spotlight them for our community. Please complete the form below for consideration making sure to include all the relevant details to help us get started.

All content must meet our quality guidelines which require content to be educational, informative and/or entertaining (i.e. not a sales pitch). We reserve the right edit or deny all submissions that do not meet this criteria at our sole discretion.

Local Voices (Regular Contributor)

We are always looking for local people that are passionate about a particular topic to become regular contributors. If this sounds like you and you want to reach a greater audience then please complete the form below making sure to include the topic you’d like to write about, a sample of your work and how often you’d like to contribute. Each contributor will be setup as an author on our system and will be highlighted as such throughout the site. We’re often able to accommodate a much wider range of materials on our website than in print so if you think the topic is a good fit for our community then we’d love to hear from you.